1. Yellow flower cutout
2. October 11, 2008 at 11:18 am
3. Bountiful, Utah - 3.8 f-stop
4. 1/1000 - Nikon Coolpix S52

1. Gold Fireworks
2. July 4, 2009 at 9:12 pm
3. Santa Barbara, CA - 8.4 f-stop
4. 4 seconds - Nikon Coolpix S52
5. Used the fireworks setting

1. Christmas Lights
2. January 13, 2010 at 2:04pm
3. Rexburg, ID - 3.4 f-stop
4. 1/25 - Nikon Coolpix S52
5. Used the 2 second self timer to get a steadier shot since I didn't have a tripod.

1. Roommate's flowers
2. January 13, 2010 at 1:58 pm
3. Rexburg, ID - 4.2 f-stop
4. 1/249 - Nikon Coolpix S52
I wanted to do my study in color in yellow. This was hard to do considering the snow and cold we have here in Rexburg right now, but I made it work. Here is some of my work.